I went to check my e-mail this morning about a play date that we have today, and when the computer screen lit up, I realized that I had stopped my A post for yesterday, and the boys never napped, so I never got back to it. Hmmmpf. Already behind.
Being already behind, I figure I'll just put some pictures up to take up space. Funny thing. Although I have just committed to getting back into blogging, I have find myself daydreaming about what to write about next...
Back to the play date we have today. Not only am I excited because I adore the ladies who will be there and all of their kids (which is not always the case, indeed), but it is also an impromptu birthday party. Graham loves birthday parties. The sweet sugar deprived child loves any excuse for cake and maybe a little ice cream. We talked about it for most of the day yesterday, and on into the night. It was even the last thing he asked about.
G: "Momma, can I wear my skeleton socks to the birthday party tomorrow?"
M: "Of course. It's time to go to sleep. Good night. I love you."
G: "I will wear my skeleton socks. Does Evan have skeleton socks?"
M: "Nope, only you. It's time to go to sleep. Good night. I love you."
G: "It's ok if Evan doesn't have skeleton socks. Maybe he could just wear clear socks. But he can't wear red socks. No red socks at the party."
Clear socks?? No red socks at the party? Apparently I have missed some of the mores regarding childrens birthday parties.Back to today. Birthday party day. Graham woke before everyone else. Ran to sleeping Evan's room, opened the door, peeked in and said something, slammed the door, and ran into our room and said (in a stage whisper), "Mom, it is birthday party today, and I'm wearing skeleton socks! And Evan is looking for you because he is awake."
I love my kids. And now it is after bedtime, and I am finally posting yesterdays post, breaking all of my own rules. And here's some pictures of the boys to win you over. Graham is wearing his skeleton socks above. He also decided that he needed to wear his (blue) sandals with said socks. As one of my friends said, "He just needs a metal detector or something."
And Evan just wanted in on the picture taking.