Tuesday, June 09, 2009

"Can you say, mustard?"

We love hot dogs in this house. Particularly, Ball Park Beef Franks. Grilled on a charcoal grill. Don't even try to sneak in any other brand past Grady. And we also ignore all of the negative things about hot dogs. It's all about moderation.

So it's not suprising that this morning, when talking about his birthday meal, Evan said (as clear as day), "Hot dog!" and started clapping and running in place. We really love hot dogs.

As this is his first real word, I was pretty excited and called over to Graham. I told him what Evan had said, and Graham, completely unimpressed, looked at Evan and said, "Can you say mustard?"

1 comment:

  1. This is brilliant. Brilliant, I say.

    Happy Birthday, Little Man!
